Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Giving Thanks to a Priest

Our priest, Father Eric Augenstein will be leaving us soon, this is our last Christmas that we will celebrate with him.  I am finding it difficult to convey what I am feeling at this time.  First I am happy that the will of God is being done, for His will is always perfect.  Although I am sad at Fr. Eric's leaving, I know this is selfish so I will turn these feelings to prayer of protection for him and for what he must do in the days ahead. 

How can I thank you, you gave me everything I ever wanted.  You gave me the Holy Mass, the pearl of great price.  One day in the confessional you gave me the foreshadow of  heaven.  I told Father I loved the Holy Mass and I asked him if there was Mass in heaven, and he said, "Mass IS heaven." I was overwhelmed with joy and hope!  As I walked out of the confessional I turned to him and said, "Thank you Father, you made my day...twice." (I had just gotten the sacrament of reconciliation!) 

How do you thank a priest that does the Holy Mass with such reverence and when he sings the Holy Mass, the love of God pours down in sheets.  Can you know the demons that have run during the Holy Mass when you have held our precious Lord aloft and said, "Behold, the Lamb of God..." You may not, but I do.  St. John Vianney was right, if a priest knew what he was he would die. 

I will miss your smile while you are baptizing or blessing children.  It is a beautiful smile, please don't ever change it.  I truly believe you will get more with that smile than with any argument.  I wonder how your Mother said no to you for anything.  

I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me all I lacked in serving you.  What I could not do for you with my hands, I did with my prayers for you which will always continue.  You have a beautiful heart Father, and you are a good and Holy Priest, and if God lets me, I hope to tell you how I know that.  

May God Bless you Always,
