Friday, March 01, 2013

The Priest and Your Cross

I went to Holy Mass and I was crying, not for myself, but sometimes God puts in on my heart to weep for souls that are lost. 

This day I was crying very much for the lost.  After we received the Holy Eucharist, the Priests (we had two that day at St. Luke) began to pray for me. I know this because I could feel their prayers for me.   I could feel these men's beautiful hearts praying for me. Men by their nature are made to be the protector of the family.  How much more so is a Priest a protector, not just by his nature of being a man, but by being "in persona Christi" for those in his church 'family'?

I could feel these beautiful Priests hearts praying for me, praying out of a desire to protect me, to shield me from any pain as evidenced by my tears, and if that was not possible, to have God intervene so that I would no longer cry. Good and holy priests, with hearts like St. Joseph, loving, protecting those in your charge.  Yet this heart was also like our Lord's, that is their hearts were on the cross.  Not only did they wish to protect me, but they hurt in their heart for me, taking on my pain and I could feel that too. 

This is why a priest reflects Jesus crucified into the world, because of a Holy Priests love for those to whom they have been given charge of.   These good and Holy men, anointed by God to the Priesthood were willing to take on my pain so I would not continue to suffer. What love this is.

This is why a priest doesn't just carry his own cross, but out of love for you he carries a little bit of your cross too.