Sunday, July 13, 2014

"Don't Turn Around."

Another time praying the Stations....

I was at the 6th Station, offering the Station to God, asking the Father that one drop of blood that just one drop of our Lord's precious blood cover what I was praying for.

At this station, I am all the way at the back of the Church, with my back to the Altar.  I hear the Lord say to me, "Don't Turn Around."  

"Uh...Ok."  My eyes widened and I was somewhat afraid.  Then I heard all the banging, and noise behind me, and I felt the demon right at my back, he was about 1 inch from touching my back, and I could feel his presence was very large.(I don't know how I knew this as I didn't turn around, but I did, I understood, he was about 7 feet tall)  He wanted to tear me up.  I was so scared, I trembled, but didn't turn around. I knew the demon couldn't hurt me unless God allowed it.

After about 5 seconds, the noise and everything stopped and there was calm in the church.  I was still under the obedience of His instruction, so I had to ask.  "Lord, may I finish these stations?"  "Yes" was the answer.

Timidly I prayed the Stations until I got to the 10th Station, on this one, I had to turn around.  "Lord, may I turn around?".  "Yes".  The church was empty. 

I finished the rest of the Stations without incident.

We are our brother's keeper.  As Catholics, as the front line in the battle for souls, we have a responsibility for every non Catholic Christian, every pagan, and every sinner on the planet.  They do not have the weapons that we have to purify their souls with Holy Mass,  Holy Confession, the Holy Rosary and the Stations of the Cross.  We must fight for them.  Every soul is worth whatever we must suffer.  No matter how exhausting the petition before the Father, go again, fight again, beg again, cry before the judgement seat again, but NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP on anyone!

As Catholics we must be pure and holy so we can lay down ALL for our brethren.  Do you understand that you can take Holy Communion for one that will never be able to take Holy Communion? Do you understand how powerful that is, and what it means in a souls walk of salvation?  This is why every Catholic should go to Holy Mass daily, pray the Holy Rosary daily and go to regular Confession.

Catholics ARE born for combat!


Lora Dolores said...

Dear Adele,
WOW, did I ever need to read this today. God is good! I love how the Holy Spirit gets our attention. Thank you for this lovely contemplation.
In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,

Susan said...

Thank you for inspiring me to pray more. God is always with us and always faithful.