Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Schindler's List / Penance! Penance! Penance!

God speaks to us in many ways, leading us to who we are truly supposed to be.  Most people, push away the harder, more eternal truths because frankly, they are quite terrifying.  God is far more terrifying than the devil ever thought about being.  Most people are like the German's that lived around the Death Camps during WWII, vaguely aware of what the real truth is, but pushing it away because it would interfere with their everyday lives and security.  People hate change and few will embrace it even for themselves, nevertheless for the good of another.   But some will, even at great risk to themselves.  These brave souls are needed even today.  

You see, what happened in Schindler's list is happening even today, but in a way that most people do not perceive.   

Today we have many souls that are on the road to eternal suffering.  They are blinded by the world and the devil, made quite comfortable in their sins so that they would never even consider changing anything.  "Why change?  I am comfortable, well fed, warm, and entertained now.   I have the sex I want, regardless of marriage of myself or my partner or their gender or perhaps them being even to young to consent.  Who cares what God says, my desire is all I care about. " 

These are the "demon pillows",  for they make the sinner comfortable in every sin that keeps them from God and in the devil's territory.  God sends them messengers to call them to repentance and penance, but they push it away because everything is so pleasant where they are now.  They think it will never change.  

They can smell the death pouring from the chimney next door, and knows it signals death, but they close the windows and the blinds, and spray scent to shoo away the 'unpleasantness'.   Surely that can't be for me, they say,  that is not meant for me, that is meant for others.  Do they make their own hearts beat? Do they will the next breath of life in their lungs?  They have no concern for their own mortality.  

When a soul is deep in the devils trap the devil's constant whisper is, "All is well."   This is what the Germans told those getting off the trains, "All is well, work hard, do everything we tell you and all will be well."   The devil is a liar, the only true safety is in God.  

Few will be brave and break free of this comfort and seek after a state of grace so that they may enter into eternal joy.  We have a shadow of this eternal joy in the Holy Mass.  In the Holy Mass you are the closest you can be to the throne of God and your own judgement that anyone can be while you are still in the flesh.  

Do you think you are going to heaven?  You should tremble at the idea of your own  judgment.  Our judgement is a fearful thing, even if we are a Saint.  Have you forgotten that even the great Saint Faustina of the Divine Mercy was shown that if she had died when Jesus had shown her her own judgement that she would have had to spend 1 day in Purgatory? 
"You are guilty of one day of fire in PURGATORY" (Diary 36).  

What did Jesus teach himself?  "No, I say to you: but unless you shall do penance, you shall all likewise perish." (Luke 13:3)

The Third Secret of Fatima: 
"We saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with the splendour that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand: pointing to the earth with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud voice: ‘Penance, Penance, Penance!'"

Brave souls will ponder my words and seek God to know the true state of their soul.  Hopefully with this knowledge they will seek again to do all things as God ordered out of love for Him.  To return to Him and His friendship. 

Hero souls will hear my words, and like Oskar Schindler will look around and see the loss of so many souls and weep.  Then, after taking the steps of the brave souls and becoming friends again with God, they will then sacrifice everything they have for the salvation of another, seeking God's mercy for that soul, no matter the cost to themselves.   

Never forget, souls fall in to hell by their own free will.  This final prison will never see those that enter it ever come out.  They will never rest, nor know any peace or comfort again, but the greatest suffering...for all eternity.  Be a hero, petition God for the living who are in the greatest sin, seeking nothing for yourself.  God desires to hear the prayers of the righteous and do the will of the holy souls that seeks nothing for themselves, but out of love for God alone seeks the good of another. 

Like Oskar Schindler when he was taking his Jews out of Auschwitz and was putting them on the train, he looked around and saw those that he could not save.  He saw those that were going to the gas chambers.  This is the sad reality of eternity.  We must strive to seek the salvation of as many lost souls that we can, but there are souls that by their own desires will not be saved.  There are some souls that will never turn to God no matter how many opportunities they have been given.   This is the mystery and terrifying aspect of the gift of free will. 

But when we breathe our last, we must have the comfort to know that we did everything we could in our prayers, petitions, and penances to God for those with the blackest of hearts.  

Be hidden, love Him, trust Him, do not fear, do not run, and never, never quit.  

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