Sunday, March 19, 2017

The Lullaby

Sometimes deep in prayer I feel that I get a little glimpse into the life of the Blessed Virgin and her Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ.

I saw a beautiful Mother, holding her son, and she was singing a beautiful little lullaby to Him.   Mary would sing this Lullaby to Him whenever he was a child to soothe Him.  Mamma's arms and that sweet Lullaby always brought Him comforted and peace in his childhood.

Later I was shown the most Blessed Mother on Calvary at the foot of the cross.  Jesus has been crucified and was suffering greatly.

Her eyes were riveted on her son.  She wouldn't look away from Him.  She wanted to be 100% present for Him, 100% His Mother.

No one heard it.  She sang it softly, just her lips were moving.  But Jesus had seen that movement of her lips many times.  It was just for Him.

She was quietly singing the lullaby to Him.

Oh Mother, what those eyes have seen and suffered.  Pray for us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Adele,

I just found your blog. What a wonderful, creative and informative place you have created.

